Our Story
The story unfolds in the heart of Central Otago with the 1862 discovery of the Bendigo goldfields, considered one of the richest of its time. Today, the striking remnants of this era enrich our landscape and are the inspiration for Loop Rd.
The finest grapes are hand-selected from our Loop Rd Bendigo pioneer vineyard and crafted into an engaging expression of our unique Central Otago region.
Our Land
A selected blend of organic and biodynamic fruit sourced from our vineyard on Bendigo Loop Rd
in Central Otago.
Loop Rd. Vineyard
BioGro certified organic and Demeter certified biodynamic estate vineyard located in the Bendigo sub-region of Central Otago. The vineyard was planted in 1998 after careful site selection. North sloping 15 hectare vineyard comprising of Waenga (fine sandy loam) and Molyneux (shallow sandy loam) soils.
Pinot Noir clones 10/5, 5, 115, 667 & 777.